Home Events Responsible Open Science – Workshop on the fundamentals of Research Data Management for Social Scientists

Responsible Open Science – Workshop on the fundamentals of Research Data Management for Social Scientists

The workshop, organised by ODISSEICESSDA,-ERIC and DANS, will answer questions including:

  • What are the benefits of documenting your research in a Data Management Plan?
  • How do you organise your data well?
  • How can you make your research reusable, even if you are working with sensitive data?

The workshop is designed for early career researchers in the social sciences who wish to gain a better understanding of Research Data Management (RDM), FAIR data and Open Science. We will guide you in developing your own data management plan. The workshop is organised as an interactive event, where hands-on sessions will be followed by presentations introducing the various aspects of RDM along the Research Data Life Cycle.  

The workshop is based on the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide and focuses particularly on issues of RDM relevant to social science researchers working with quantitative data. We will discuss GDPR and ethical issues in working with quantitative social science data. 

The event will take place online, is free of charge, and will be held in English.

Please note that this is a two-days event and we require participants to take part in both days. In addition, you will receive an assignment to work on in between the two days which will require a few hours of your time in between the two days.


There are limited spaces available and we may prioritise registrations based on their motivation in case we receive more registrations than spaces available. 

The registration is open until June 4th. 

Please note that the presentations – not the breakout session and discussions – will be recorded. 

Register for the workshop by using this registration form.

Preliminary programme
Monday 14th June, 2021
10:00 Opening Workshop, intro ODISSEI and workshop
10:15 Introduction to data management plan and data reuse 
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Introduction to data protection and GDPR (incl.  hands-on session) 
11:45 Introduction to assignment

Thursday 17th June, 2021
10:00 Welcome back
10:05 Introduction to data archiving and publication
10:35 Coffee break
10:45 Breakout session and discussion assignment. 
11:45 Closing

Quelle: https://dans.knaw.nl/en/current/responsible-open-science-workshop-on-the-fundamentals-of-research-data-management-for-social-scientists

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23 Feb. 2025


10:00 - 12:00
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