Home Events Webinar: “How to anonymise qualitative and quantitative data”

Webinar: “How to anonymise qualitative and quantitative data”

“The process of anonymisation is essential in order to protect the identities of research participants and comply with ethical and legal standards. Before sharing/archiving/publishing data, you should ensure that all identifying and disclosive information is managed appropriately and reacted when necessary.

This free webinar will cover anonymisation and pseudonymisation strategies for quantitative and qualitative data, looking specifically at key differences between the two processes and the role of access regulation. We will have some practice developing an anonymising or pseudonomysing plan, using examples and short, interactive exercises, and we will answer questions such as “what are the different types of disclosive information” and “how do we approach them before sharing our data”.

The webinar will consist of a 50-minute session, including presentations and exercises, followed by time for questions.

Audience: This webinar is intended for anyone who wants to learn about data anonymisation. No preparation is necessary however basic knowledge of research methods is assumed.

Presenters: Maureen Haaker, Anca Vlad

The UK Data Service provides access to a wide range of social science data for re-use. They run free introductory level training events every spring and autumn to introduce different aspects of the UK Data Service. See the events pages for a full list of our training events. To book a place visit the UK Data Service events page or click on the links above. Recordings of UK Data Service webinars can be found on our YouTube channel and slides can be found on our past events pages.”

Quelle: https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/news-and-events/eventsitem/?id=5742

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24 Feb. 2025


16:00 - 17:30

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