Home Events NFDI InfraTalk – The (social) impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: How research data infrastructure can help

NFDI InfraTalk – The (social) impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: How research data infrastructure can help

Once a month the NFDI gathers together to discuss the latest topics of consortia.

This month’s topic: The (social) impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: How research data infrastructure can help.

Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. Pigeot (NFDI4Health):
Federated research data infrastructure for personal health data – Task Force COVID-19.
Speaker 2: Herrn Prof. Dr. Liebig (KonsortSWD):
Better results through interoperability and standardised RDM: Empirical social science research in social crises.

Language: English.

Die Veranstaltung kann über den YouTube-Kanal der NFDI gestreamt werden.

Quelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0OzFOHT_l8

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22 Jan. 2025


16:00 - 17:00

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