Home Events The Role of DDI-CDI in EOSC: Discussion and Next Steps

The Role of DDI-CDI in EOSC: Discussion and Next Steps

CODATA, in partnership with the DDI Alliance, is organizing a meeting to announce the findings from “The Role of DDI-CDI in EOSC: Possible Uses and Applications,” a report for the European Open Science Cloud Co-Creation Project (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4707263) which was recently published. This report investigated how a standard model like DDI-Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI) could be usefully implemented in support of a large-scale cross-domain data-sharing infrastructure, and highlighted several use cases and topics. The meeting will focus on the recommendations from the report, and a discussion of practical next steps.

An overview of the report will be presented, including a brief summary of the use cases and topics from the report, and a presentation of findings. This will be followed by a discussion organized around comments from invited respondents, and then a general discussion of what useful follow-up activities might be considered.

We are hopeful that this report can lead to focused work on some of the topics it raised, and that this event will help us address some of the issues which discussions around DDI-CDI and the EOSC data-sharing infrastructure have highlighted.

The presentation and discussion will be recorded and the recording will be made available on CODATA and DDI Alliance channels. By registering for this webinar, you submit your information to CODATA and the DDI Alliance, which will use it to communicate with you regarding this event, and to provide follow-up information relating to activities around DDI-CDI and the Decadal Programme.

Please register here.

More information on the report “The Role of DDI-CDI in EOSC: Possible Uses and Applications”: https://codata.org/initiatives/strategic-programme/decadal-programme/ddi-cross-domain-integration/ddi-cdi-and-eosc/

Quelle: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1430439754098534924

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11 Jun 2021


15:00 - 17:00

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DDI Alliance, CODATA
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