Home Events Research Data Management (not only) for Music Librarians

Research Data Management (not only) for Music Librarians

Well planned and executed research data management (RDM for short) is highly recommendable with regard to efficient work. Whether for working in one’s own IT environment or in the case of collaborative work in decentralized structures – a comprehensible system of research data is indispensable in order to be able to work efficiently.
At the latest, when it comes to planning a research project, RDM becomes necessary and has been expected for some time by the DFG and other funding institutions in the form of RDM plans for applications to be submitted.

The course, jointly organized by NFDI4Culture and IAML DE, is primarily aimed at music librarians and takes as its starting point the current situation: Although there are already numerous offers, especially of digital training, on this topic, there are only a few that also deal with media-specific data relevant to the field of music(-studies).
For the course, we want to focus on the data lifecycle, introduce various information and contact points such as the NFDI4C helpdesk, and discuss case studies from among the participants.

For the last point, we have integrated a related question for all participants in the registration form and ask for corresponding notes or questions when registering.

The course will be held in German on Feb. 25, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. as a digital event via Zoom. To participate in the course, please register no later than February 14, 2021 via our registration form and you will receive more information and the Zoom link in advance of the event.

Quelle: https://nfdi4culture.de/news-events/events/default-3a8cbf67d8.html

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25 Feb. 2022


9:30 - 12:00

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