Home Events Research Data Infrastructures and their Importance for Research Quality and Open Science

Research Data Infrastructures and their Importance for Research Quality and Open Science

Modern research on an internationally competitive level is no longer possible without digital support. More and more data is generated and more and more technical systems are used. This applies not only to the life, natural and engineering sciences, but also to the humanities and social sciences. This leads to a paradigm shift that is currently being accompanied by numerous activities in the field of research data infrastructures. Prominent examples are the initiatives National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) within Germany and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) within Europe.

The talk will focus on research data infrastructures and will address its importance for research quality and open science. An overview of current technical developments will be given, concentrating on the representation and linking of digital artifacts, such as publications, research data or research software.

Online meeting, the link will be added here one hour before the start of the event.

Sonja Schimmler leads the research group “Digitalisation and Science” at the Weizenbaum Institute and at Fraunhofer FOKUS. She is also an associated researcher at the Technical University of Berlin. In her research, she focuses on the digitalisation and opening of science and puts a special emphasis on research data infrastructures. Her research interests range from semantic web and linked data over data science and artificial intelligence to software engineering and human-centered computing. She is doing fundamental interdisciplinary and application-oriented research.

Website: https://www.weizenbaum-institut.de/en/portrait/p/sonja-schimmler/

Quelle: https://www.sdc4lit.eu/veranstaltungen/sonja-schimmler/

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15 Juni 2021


17:30 - 19:00

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