Home Events Open from beginning to end: addressing barriers to open research

Open from beginning to end: addressing barriers to open research

Two speakers address cultural and practical barriers to practising open and reproducible research.

About this event

Open and reproducible research practises are increasingly recognised as important to scientific integrity. However, there are numerous barriers including research culture – whether as a sector, institution or discipline – lack of training and professional incentives and funding of infrastructure.

We are very pleased to welcome two speakers who will consider these issues from different perspectives.

Hugh Shanahan is Professor of Open Science at Royal Holloway University of London. With expertise in computational biology and statistics, he is co-chair of CODATA-RDA schools and member of FAIRsFAIR – Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe.

Professor Shanahan will provide an overview of issues across the sector including the concept of FAIR data.

Dr Marlene Mengoni is a member of the Institute of Medical & Biological Engineering (IMBE) at the University of Leeds and is interested in theoretical aspects of musculoskeletal tissues biomechanics with a fundamental computational engineering approach.

Dr Mengoni will speak from an engineering perspective and discuss how the research culture at the University of Leeds can help to foster open research practices, throughout the research cycle, including embedding “open” in research and training.

While both speakers are from STEM disciplines, the topics will be of interest to researchers in any discipline.

Please register here.

Quelle: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/open-from-beginning-to-end-addressing-barriers-to-open-research-tickets-147534615005

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24 Feb. 2025


13:30 - 14:30

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