Home Events OA books at small university presses

OA books at small university presses

This year at the OABN, among other topics we want to focus on the challenges that small university presses face when publishing OA books — either in addition to a closed-access list, or as an entirely OA press.

The issues faced by smaller university presses when publishing OA are often different to the big publishers, and more akin to those tackled by small academic-led presses such as those that form the ScholarLed collective. The OABN coordinators (Agata, Lucy and Tom) are interested in finding out whether the OABN could be a useful forum for smaller university presses to gather and share knowledge and best practices, devise solutions to common issues, and ask for information or advice from the broader OABN community on any subject related to OA books. With this in mind, we are holding an Open Cafe on Thursday 27th January at 3pm GMT (details below).

Our Open Cafes are informal drop-in events, where attendees can discuss a particular topic in a relaxed and free-flowing environment. We warmly invite anybody interested in this subject to join us via the Jitsi link at the end of this post.

We hope that members of smaller university presses will be able to take this opportunity to meet each other and chat, and we will be interested to hear if there is more the OABN could be doing to support you — whether that be workshops, talks, a blogpost series, or a dedicated space on the OABN’s Humanities Commons message boards for discussion.

Come along and share your ideas and experiences!

WHEN: Thursday 27th January at 3pm GMT (16.00 Uhr CET)

WHERE: https://meet.jit.si/lucy-tpxdzcretvpweqvgplpj

Quelle: https://openaccessbooksnetwork.hcommons.org/2022/01/17/small-university-presses-and-oa-books-come-and-join-us/

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27 Jan. 2022


16:00 - 17:00

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Open Access Books Network
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