Home Events Library of Science. Development of Infrastructure and Resources for Open Science

Library of Science. Development of Infrastructure and Resources for Open Science

The ICM UW Open Science Platform team invites you to the conference celebrating the launch of the new site of the Library of Science – the biggest Polish platform of open scientific resources.

During the conference we would like to host a discussion about the needs and expectations of scientific publishers and journal editorial boards related to Open Access, especially in the context of the European and Polish scientific policy. It is also an opportunity for an international exchange of experiences related to Open Access to scientific publications.

We have invited the representatives of European and national institutions responsible for the development of science and implementation of Open Access, as well as the representatives of other regional publication platforms.

The conference will be held online on 15 June 2021. We invite you to submit a registration form.

The complete program can be found here.

Quelle: https://konferencja.pppn.icm.edu.pl/en/conference-3/

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15 Juni 2021


9:30 - 16:00

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Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the University of Warsaw
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