Home Events Data Train Starter Track: Security & privacy

Data Train Starter Track: Security & privacy

Security and privacy are key aspects in developing and maintaining trustworthy systems. A lack of security results in vulnerable systems exposed unprotected to potential attackers and presenting an incalculable economical and personal risk. As personal data has become the new currency in the digital era, its protection from unauthorized processing and distribution is a key issue to preserve the privacy and self-determination of individuals.


Techniques to measure and enhance the security / privacy of IT-systems

  • Security: security protocols, security policies and their enforcement
    (e.g. access-control, dataflow control)
  • Privacy: GDPR, privacy-enhancing techniques
    (e.g. differential privacy, k-anonymity)


This course provides basic knowledge in security and privacy techniques and sketches their underlying foundations.

Speaker: Dieter Hutter, Vice director of the department for Cyber-Physical Systems at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen, Honorary professor at the University of Bremen

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Quelle: https://rb.gy/isvj1i

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24 Feb. 2025


10:00 - 12:00

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