Home Events Data Train Starter Track: Programming languages

Data Train Starter Track: Programming languages

Programming is the essential tool for managing data sets and conducting data science methods. It is crucial for

  • documentation work
  • data preparation
  • quality control of data sets
  • data analyses
  • transforming data into graphics

and makes handling of even big data sets possible.


  • What actually is a programming language? What characterizes a programming language and what is it for?
  • Why is HTLM not a programming language and what has Turing to do with it?

Approximately 700 programming languages exist – how to keep an overview? We learn to distinguish languages from their degree of abstraction and programming paradigm (imperative, procedural, object-oriented, functional, logical, …) or their area of application. Further, we talk about which programming languages you should know and some of them are briefly presented in this course.


Overview about programming languages, their features, significance and criteria for distinction.

Speaker: Christoph Lüth, Vice director and research administrator of the Cyber-Physical Systems group of the Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Professor at the University of Bremen in the department for mathematics and computer science

Please register here.

Quelle: https://rb.gy/isvj1i

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24 Feb. 2025


10:00 - 12:00

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