Home Events Data Management and Data Archiving at University of Vienna

Data Management and Data Archiving at University of Vienna

07.04.2022 10:00 – 15:00

Moodle-Course in English

More and more often, there is a need to store data from research and teaching in a structured way for a longer period of time or even to make it available in the long term.

In order to secure valuable data and make it available to selected users, some aspects need to be taken into account right from the start of data generation.

This workshop offers an introduction to the topic and gives a practical insight into how objects (text, audio, video, etc.) can be stored with a persistent link and metadata.
In addition to systems for data archiving, such as Phaidra and Unidam, other supporting tools for the entire life cycle of the data will also be presented.

– Concepts of data management
– Long-term availability of objects through persistent signatures
– Legal security (consultation, licences, access options)
– Openness for all formats and object types – including research data
– Description of data through multilingual metadata
– High visibility and rapid knowledge transfer
– Representation of collections and projects

Trainer: Mag. Christian Bischof, Bakk, Mag. Dr. Susanne Blumesberger, MSc and Dipl. Ing. (FH) Raman Ganguly

Audience: Members of the University of Vienna and all those interested in data management and digital long-term archiving.

Registration for university members in course database (with LogIn)

Registration for externals support.phaidra@univie.ac.at

Quelle: https://datamanagement.univie.ac.at/home/events-uebersicht/details/news/data-management-and-data-archiving-at-university-of-vienna/?tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=06cb1127a435006098835d35a76c1c8b

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07 Apr. 2022


10:00 - 15:00

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Repositorienmanagement PHAIDRA-Services Universität Wien
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