Home Events Creating Data Management Plans

Creating Data Management Plans

12.04.2022 10:00 – 15:00

Moodle-Course in English

More and more funding bodies require data management plans (DMP) already when submitting a research project. These analyse the individual work steps from the generation of data (e.g. images, texts, tables, measurement data …) to long-term archiving and subsequent use. Good data management and planning are the prerequisite for ensuring that, in addition to publications, underlying research data remain findable, accessible and traceable in the long term. It must be clarified where the data should be stored, how it is secured, who has access, who (which persons, department, organisation) is responsible for storage and whether and according to which criteria data should be passed on. For reusability in the sense of Open Science (e.g. in Horizon 2020 projects), data archives or repositories should be used that enable retrieval via the web. For public visibility and use, data protection, copyrights and licensing, among other things, must be considered. DMPs support the planning and organisation of human, time and financial resources and are aimed at project applicants/staff, researchers, data archive managers, research services and funding bodies.

Audience: Project applicants/staff, researchers, data archive managers, research services and funding bodies.

Content: In the seminar, the requirements of research funders (e.g. Horizon 2020) are outlined. Participants will receive an introduction to the efficient handling of their own data, the storage options at the University of Vienna, long-term archiving and the necessary requirements. The resulting questions will be discussed using a DMP template. Of course, there will be enough room for comments and questions.

Mag. Christian Bischof Bakk, Mag. Dr. Susanne Blumesberger MSc, Dipl. Ing. (FH) Raman Ganguly, Mag. Gerda McNeill

Registration for university members in course database (with LogIn)

Registration for externals support.phaidra@univie.ac.at

Quelle: https://datamanagement.univie.ac.at/home/events-uebersicht/details/news/creating-data-management-plans-1/?tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=3bc9dac03ffd37b05b6ee57592d1060e

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12 Apr. 2022


10:00 - 15:00

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Repositorienmanagement PHAIDRA-Services Universität Wien
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