Home Events AEA Spring Conference 2021 – Open Science Practices in Environmental Archaeology

AEA Spring Conference 2021 – Open Science Practices in Environmental Archaeology

“The rescheduled AEA Spring Conference 2021 will be taking online on Saturday 24 April 2021.

All aspects of Environmental Archaeology have a shared reliance on the creation, curation and analysis of quantitative datasets – from counts of molluscs and pollen, to isotope ratios and morphometrics. Too often, this data is hidden behind paywalls, difficult to reuse or simply not made available. This conference will discuss the current state of data in Environmental Archaeology and how open science practices can improve the reliability and reproducibility of research. Issues to be discussed include the standardisation of data recording, data sharing, data repositories, linked open data, the creation and longevity of databases and reproducible analysis (Rstats). Papers are also welcomed on any aspects of open research, including open methods, open data, open access publishing and open education across Environmental Archaeology (as broadly conceived).

The programme is now available for the AEA Spring Conference, along with a book of abstracts. They can be downloaded from below.

To register for the conference please follow this link. The deadline for registration is Friday 16 April, and  a Zoom link will be emailed to participants prior to the event.

Please send any questions to  aea2020spring@gmail.com and follow us on twitter with #AEAOpenScience

Lisa Lodwick, Tom Maltas, Tina Roushannafas and Rubi Wu

University of Oxford”

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23 Feb. 2025


10:20 - 19:00

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